The “ghost illness” killing thousands of North Koreans

Science Nilgun Salim

The nuclear tests conducted by the Pyongyang leader have generated the most devastating side-effect among the North Koreans.

Apparently, a “ghost illness” is slowly but surely killing the North Korean people suggests an NBC report.

The area where the regime uses to carry their experiments, the Kilju region has become a cursed place, where children are born with malformation, says Lee Jeong Hwa in a report.

Until the woman managed to fly from North Korea in 2010, she lived near the nuclear center and she is now suffering from “endless chronic pains”.

However, her physical misery cannot be compared to the misery suffered by those who are trapped in the country.

“So many people died, so we started to call the cause <<ghost disease>>. At first, we thought we were dying because we were poor and unharmed. Now, I know the radiations are to blame”, explained Lee.

Lee is part of the group of 30 North Korean people from the Kilju region that have been constantly tested in recent years by the Seoul Ministerial Unification, who wants to measure their contamination level.

Another North Korean 60-year-old escapes in 2013, Rhee Yeong Sil, tells NBC that one of his neighbors gave birth to a child without genitalia, stating that newborns are often killed even by their parents.

How do these testimonies appear inside the Korean scientific community?

Suh Kun-yull, professor of nuclear engineering at Seoul University, argues that it is difficult to prove the veracity of these claims because researchers are currently facing a “total lack of data” regarding the impact of the Pyongyang nuclear program on public health.

However, the South Korean professor points out, “I do not think that (these people – n.r.) are lying.”

“We have to believe the word, but I have no reliable information.”

The center where North Korea performs the nuclear tests would have turned the region into a “radioactive wasteland,” The Telegraph reported last month.

Approximately 80% of the trees have dried, the wells have dried, and the area now looks like a huge desert.


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