Now, she is one of the beautiful artists in the world, but check out how she looked before
Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim
Hollywood is not just the city or the paradise of the music industry. It is also the kingdom of plastic surgery, where everybody is obsessed to look ‘flawless’.
“I think I’m living in Los Angeles for too long”, writes Cheryl Cole on Twitter, next to a picture that terrified her followers: one of the sexiest singers of the moment looks awful, while 10 times thicker lips are disfiguring his face.
After the state of shock fades away and you realize it was all a joke of the artist.
Cheryl Cole attached on her real lips a fake red pout, meant to mock Hollywood’s obsession with plastic surgery.
However, it seems that Cheryl has forgotten how she looked before entering the hands of aestheticians.
Since her period as a newcomer in showbiz, Cheryl made some changes – breast implants, lip augmentation, straightening teeth –turning her into the beautiful woman from today. Hollywood is not such a bad place after all…
Women are constantly looking for perfection, and in the recent years, certain parts of the body have become true sources of obsessions.
2017 comes with a new target – and plastic surgeries on ankles have increased with 60% in the last months. The trend has grown even more since Cheryl Cole has done such an operation.
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