Kim Jong-un executed more than 300 people since he became a ‘Supreme Leader’
World News Nilgun Salim
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un ordered the execution of 340 since he retrieved the power in 2011, shows a new report conducted by the UN Institute for Strategies of South Korean security, informs CNN.
South Korean Institute suggests that in the last five years since the Supreme Leader rules the country, Kim Jong-un ordered hundreds of public executions just to increase its own power.
He ordered the execution of 340 people only at the beginning of its term, including 140 high-ranking officers of the North Korean Army, MP’s and members of the Working Party, North Korea’s sole.
An analyst from RNAD Corporation Bruce Bennett believes that Kim Jong showcases this ‘extreme brutality’ because it’s the only safe solution to intimidate his people.
“In these five years since he became the leader of North Korea, Kim ordered the changing slides at the Ministry of Defence for five times, while his father, dictator Kim Jong-Il, did this three times in 17 years of which, twice, the changes were made because officials had died due to old age”, stated the analyst.
In early 2016, the North Korean authorities have executed a senior official from the education field, Kim Yong-Jin.
In May 2015, Kim Jong-Un has ordered the public execution with a cannon artillery of the Minister of Defense, Hyon Chol Yong.
In March, Kim Jong-Un said his country managed to miniaturize a thermonuclear warhead, suitable to be attached to a nuclear weapon. Although his theory was questioned by numerous experts, the supreme leader claims he discovered the technology.
The miniaturization issue is essential when it comes to nuclear weapons transportation to a certain target. In addition, the North-Korean government claimed their experts developed a large range missile, able to reach all the way to America.
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