Classified Document from Hillary Clinton Found on a Server in Romania

U.S. Marion Schneider

A classified document stolen by hackers from Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate for the US presidency, is either from its collaborators found a server in Romania, according to sources cited by the newspaper The Washington Examiner.

Notes from the one year survey to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the case of cyber-attacks that targeted systems of the former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate for President, suggested that independent groups have found documents classified as military in a server located in Romania.

According to sources quoted by U.S. newspaper The Washington Examiner, the FBI investigation has revealed that a witness whose identity was not disclosed consulted in August 2015 with the politician Republican Newt Gingrich about how that could be analyzed as information obtained by hacking the server of Hillary Clinton. Private evaluation in this operation were involved and a member of the US Senate Judiciary Committee.

Gingrich made contact with the Judicial Watch organization, which provided $32,000 for the effort of analyzing information in February-March 2016. The project consisted of verifying the information obtained from Hillary Clinton’s server and that of his adviser Sidney Blumenthal.

The company committed to this effort has found ‘an Excel document containing the names of known or suspected Islamist militants in Libya’ in a server in Romania. A part of the file had been written in Russian.

A Romanian hacker broke her Blumenthal mail in 2013, revealing the first private address used by Hillary Clinton in the capacity of secretary of state, a situation that has generated intense criticism at the Democratic politician. During polemics, supporters of Hillary Clinton gave assurances that no classified document had been compromised.

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