Russian oligarchs’ children are living like kings and queens

World News Adina Camarasu

Forgetting that the vast majority of people is starving, the Russian oligarchs seem to be doing far better. Russian oligarchs’ children are living like kings and queens.

@richrussiankids Instagram account shows pictures of ‘minigarchs’, as they are called, with their expensive cars, fine drinks or hard to reach places they spend their holidays.

‘Those who have 100 million pounds say they are not rich because others have a billion’, Russians use to say.

The British capital is home to more than 100,000 Russian millionaires and they have come to public’s attention quickly, as they started purchasing properties in the wealthiest neighborhoods in London, writes Daily Mail.

BBC documentary ‘Rich, Russian and Living in London’ depicts the lives of some of the most famous Russians in London, such as art collectors or political dissidents.

‘I’m devoted. I fell in love forever with London. It is possible that within me hides a real Englishwoman, but I also keep and Russian origins’, said Katia Elizarova, a Russian supermodel.

Documentary producers wanted to debunk some of the myths about Russian diaspora.

Every Russian who spends ten million pounds into real estate businesses is, in fact, injecting almost 4.5 million pounds to the British economy. The center of ‘house hunting’ is Mayfair, the home of the richest British.

A ticket to the annual prom millionaire Igor Ţunkanov, collector of art, costs between 390 pounds and 790 pounds.

Last month, the British press wrote about hundreds of Russian oligarchs who are preparing to buy some of the most expensive properties in the UK, to protect their wealth from Russia’s poor economy.

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