The wife of Japanese Prime Minister, Akie Abe pretended that she doesn’t speak English at all in order to avoid having a conversation with Donald Trump
U.S. Nilgun Salim
During the interview, the president talks about his “strange” experience
Donald Trump: I was sitting at this huge table. Wives were separated from husbands, sometimes doing this kind of meeting – it’s easier when they don’t do this because you have someone to talk with.
We were standing next to the President of Argentina and his wife, a beautiful woman fluent in English, and the wife of the Prime Minister of Japan. I had a translator for Japanese because she doesn’t speak English at all.
Reporter: Not at all? Does not he speak English at all?
Donald Trump: Not at all. Not even “Hello”
Reporter: This seems like a weird strategy of placing people at a table.
Donald Trump: It was difficult because I stayed there for a few hours.
However, Jessica Valenti, a columnist at The Guardian, shortly after the interview she wrote on Twitter, that Akie Abe, the wife of the Japanese Prime Minister, was fluent in English.
“It seems that Akie Abe pretended that she doesn’t speak English at all in order to avoid talking to Donald Trump”, revealed the journalist.
A few Indy100 journalists were determined to solve this mystery and they searched for a conference where Akie Abe delivered a speech in English proving that Jessica Valenti’s statements are, in fact, true.
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