Transgender people are not allowed to serve in the US Army, states President Donald Trump
U.S. Nilgun Salim
US President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that he will not allow transgender people to serve in the United States Army, reports Reuters.
“After consulting with my generals and military experts, please note that the US Government will not accept transgene individuals to serve in any way in the US military”, wrote Trump on Twitter.
By publishing this message, the supreme commander seems to overturn the Obama administration’s decision to allow transgender people to serve openly in the army, comments BBC News.
The US President also said that “our army must concentrate on decisive and categorical victories, it cannot be burdened by the huge medical costs and the disturbances that transgender would bring in the army.”
Earlier this month, Defense Secretary James Mattis imposed a six-month postponement of the process of recruiting transgender people.
Most Republicans opposed to the idea of transgender persons becoming part of the army.
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