ISIS and the “institutionalized rape” strategy: chilling testimonies of the Yazidi women who managed to escape from ISIS’ “raping camps”
World News Nilgun Salim
The thermometers indicated 40 degrees Celsius the day the ISIS jihadist black car convoys suddenly stormed the district near the Mount Sinjar, in northern Iraq, unleashing a blood bath in the Yazidi community.
It was August 2014 when nearly 9.500 Yazidi men were massacred and their wives and daughters became sexual slaves.
6,800 women and girls were kidnapped, transferred to military camps or to some of the combatants’ homes in eastern Syria and western Iraq, where they were brutally beaten, raped and, in the end, sold to other terrorists.
“The Yazidi women from Sinjar were not aware, but ISIS fighter pre-planned this institutionalized rape. Initially, they were looking for unmarried women and girls over the age of eight”, writes The Guardian.
Rape as social engineering, as in the recent past, during Yugoslavia’s dissolution, the Serb citizens from the Republika Srpska under the command of General Ratko Mladic who was following the orders of Serbian entity leader from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Radovan Karagici, had transferred thousands of Bosnian women into these “raping camps”, where they were forced to have sexual intercourse with Serbian soldiers in order to give birth to Serbian children.
Survivors who escaped from the ISIS camps talk about these “two terrifying sounds”, as shown in a UN report: “The abject terror of hearing steps on the hallways and the sound generated by keys opening the locks.”
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