The country where politicians are no longer allowed to offer jobs to their relatives
World News Nilgun Salim
The French National Assembly adopted on Thursday a ban regarding the parliamentarian’s not-so-fair habit of hiring family members.
This ban was a promise made by President Macron during his presidential campaign, after the scandal regarding François Fillon’s family members, a controversial subject which pretty much ruined his presidential campaign.
However, when the ban was imposed to the members of the government, an amendment by Rapporteur Yaël Braun-Pivet specifies the device.
Hiring “close family members” will be strongly forbidden and this includes husband, wife, concubine, parents or children.
The penalty for violating the law is three years of imprisonment and a fine of 45.000 euros.
Regarding the hiring of any other person from the second sky of relatives, a member or former member of the family a declaration in this respect is required by the authorities, just like in the case of a cross-employment, suggested the Minister.
The same ban on hiring “close family” members will also apply to local elected officials.
Regarding a recruitment process initiated by mayors or presidents of communities of over 20.000 inhabitants, any other member or former member of his or her family or partner’s family, it is necessary to file a statement at the High Authority for Transparency of Public Life.
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