She called 911 to report an incident, but instead, the officers who arrived at the scene shot her dead
U.S. Nilgun Salim
An Australian woman who dreamed of finding her soul mate in the US has found her end during a terrible and awkward incident
The Aussie was shot by the same officers who were supposed to come to her rescue. The incredible case became a literal international scandal, in which the “professionalism” of most US’ agents is once again questioned.
“My mother is dead because a police officer killed her for no reason”, revealed the victim’s son.
The 40-year-old woman traveled to the US with her son and she was supposed to tie the knot with an American citizen.
On Saturday night, the victim called the police to report an incident down the street.
Shortly after the policemen have arrived, the woman was shot dead in the stomach.
“Justine’s death is a loss for all who have met her. She has brought joy into the lives of so many people”, revealed the woman’s daughter-in-law.
The officer who pulled the trigger was new
He was hired by the Minneapolis police two years ago.
“All I want is justice to make light regarding my mother’s death circumstances”, revealed the victim’s father John Ruszczyk.
The woman was a veterinarian but had renounced to her career and became a yoga instructor and motivational counselor after her mother’s death.
Shocked by the terrible death of the woman who was to become a bride, the Minneapolis residents talk about police abuse and ask for a quick and thorough investigation to punish the author.
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