Experiment: how many Americans are able to point out North Korea on a map?
U.S. Nilgun Salim
A recent experiment has proved that only 36% of Americans know where North Korea is situated on the map while another study shows 75% of Americans believe the Pyongyang nuclear program is a direct threat to the United States.
A reporter from Jimmy Kimmel’s show went out on the Hollywood Boulevard and asked the pedestrians whether the US should take military action against North Korea.
The question that followed was, obviously, where the Korean peninsula is situated on a map.
If some indicated eastern Canada or the Middle East, others pointed to northern Europe, China or Australia.
In April, Morning Consult journalist Kyle Dropp conducted a survey and found out the Americans who know North Korea’s position on the map prefer diplomatic measures instead of adopting military actions.
They would prefer to impose economic sanctions on North Korea, in order to increase the pressure on China’s shoulders, but also for counteracting North Korea’s cyber-attacks.
Meanwhile, those who were unable to find North Korea on the map are favoring the idea of launching an air strike upon the state ruled by Kim Jong-un.
The same experiment also showed that education was the decisive factor when it came to the process of identifying North Korea on the map.
Most of them barely had post-secondary studies.
Also, 48% from those over the age of 65 managed to identify North Korea on the map.
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