This 100-year-old fruitcake proves that not only fast-food products last forever
Science Nilgun Salimăjitură-cu-fructe-antarctica-1170x644.jpg
One of the desserts known for the fact that it could last for days if it’s stored properly its fruitcake and one found in Antarctica strengthens all the theories regarding its incredible resistance.
An almost perfectly preserved fruitcake has been discovered in one of the world’s most unfriendly places: Antarctica.
A group of members from the Antarctic Heritage Trust, New Zealand found the “ancient” desert in Antarctica’s oldest building and, apparently, it’s been there for more than a century.
The cake was wrapped in a white paper and placed in a box, and those from the organization say it’s in an excellent condition, looking almost edible.
Most likely, British explorer Robert Falcon Scott brought the cake here.
The assortment was produced by Huntley & Palmers and it was brought during the Terra Nova expedition between 1910 and 1913.
The expedition team made a quick stop at the Cape Adare hut, which was built by Carsten Borchgrevink’s team in 1899, and left the cake there.
Scott and his team arrived at the South Pole in 1912, but all the members died on their way back to Cape Evans’s Terra Nova Lodge.
The restorers at Heritage Trust have worked to restore the Terra Nova cottage to its original state alongside several other smaller chalets.
After the restoration of the cottage, they are planning to take the fruit cake back to where they discovered it, near the places they have managed to preserve perfectly.
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