Five American diplomats have temporarily lost their hearing after they were attacked with a hi-tech sonic weapon
U.S. Nilgun Salim
Five American diplomats in Cuba and their wives have temporarily lost their hearing late last year, US government sources have revealed for the Associated Press.
They would have been targeted by a secret sonic weapon, writes The Independent.
None of their children were injured, but some diplomats had to, immediately, flee the Latin American country.
The FBI and the Diplomatic Security Service have initiated an investigation related to the incident and the American government has already suspended the activity of two Cuban diplomats from the Washington Embassy on May 23rd.
The US State Department has failed to confirm if the diplomats have, indeed, lost their hearing, but admitted they have suffered a series of “a number of physical symptoms.”
According to the first information revealed by the US intelligence services, the diplomats have been attacked with a hi-tech device able to generate a sound which cannot be heard by humans.
Instead, the sound will seriously affect the hearing of whoever is in closest proximity.
These very advanced devices would have been installed in or near the houses of the diplomats.
It is unclear whether they have been thought of as a weapon or they were supposed to be used for other purposes.
A communiqué, published by the Cuban Foreign Ministry, says the authorities were informed and they have launched an “exhaustive, high-priority, urgent inquiry”, increasing the security measures for all US Embassy employees and US diplomatic presidents.
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