This is how the family abandoned by Sinead O’Connor looks like and who came to her rescue after the worrying Facebook post
Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim
After the Irish singer posted the worrying video in which she asked for help and confessed that she is having suicidal thoughts, another celebrity rushed to be by her side.
Annie Lennox wrote the most heartbreaking video yesterday on Facebook expressing her worry for Sinead.
“I saw that cry for help of Sinead O’Connor from a New Jersey motel where she said she had no one except a psychiatrist and a doctor.
I understand Sinead has serious mental problems, but she seems to be completely isolated and I’m worried about her safety. Are there any close friends or family members who might be alongside her to support her in such moments? It is terrible to see it in such a condition”, wrote the British artist on Facebook.
Sinead O’Connor, who has been married four times and has four children and a nephew, has been diagnosed ten years ago with a bipolar disorder and has been fighting for years now with depression and post-traumatic stress.
“I know there are other millions of people in this world who suffer, just like me, but they do not have the same resources as me. Suddenly, all the people who should love you and take care of you treat you like hell.
I’m mentally ill and angry because no one cares about me”, confessed Sinead in the clip that went viral, complaining that she lives alone in a cheap New Jersey motel.
Shortly after Sinead’s clip was seen by millions, a 50-year-old took over her Facebook page in order to assure everyone that Sinead is safe, she has no suicidal tendencies and she received the required help.
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