This is how HBO tried to “bribe” the hackers who stole the Game of Thrones data
Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim
The hacking scandal from HBO became a bigger deal than we have expected, especially after the American network tried to buy the hackers’ silence.
The world’s important companies and international institutions respect this very important principle of not negotiating with hackers or terrorists, mostly because when you try to buy the silence of these people you will keep doing it forever.
Basically, these organizations become “subscribed” to your bank account and you’ve suddenly motivated other groups of hackers or terrorist to steal your data.
Several major US publications have confirmed that HBO has tried to pay the hackers who broke some of their servers a few weeks ago.
Initially, the guys demanded $250,000 to be paid in Bitcoin so the money could not be tracked easily.
Considering the value of the amount, it’s very likely the stolen data is, in fact, more sensitive than originally thought.
“As a sign of good faith from our part, we are committed to paying $250,000when we receive the account and have purchased Bitcoin” – the content of the original letter was obtained by Variety and The Hollywood Reporter and it seems authentic.
Variety believes the suggestion is, in fact, a time-saving tactic. In their opinion, HBO would never have completed that payment.
Obviously, no Home Box Office official has confirmed the validity of this information.
But one thing is certain: no payment has been deposited and it’s only a matter of time before the release of other sensitive HBO data.
Earlier this week, phone numbers, email addresses, and real addresses belonging to the actors of Game of Thrones were published by hackers.
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