Outbreak Of Avian Influenza Confirmed
Medical Celia Hoffman
People are being aged to take precautions now that a case of avian influenza has been confirmed in Alaska. It was a mallard duck that is the host and this may be a sign of growing concern. In 2015, over 50-million birds were found to carry the virus and they spread to 15 different US states.
This new case could be the beginning of a wave of the virus and may extend to the states. Infected birds are known to spread the virus by contaminating farms where food is produced. The USDA, or the United States Department of Agriculture, confirmed that the H5N2 avian influenza made its official first appearance in the Alaskan city of Fairbanks.
The virus wasn’t detected since 2015 and it was thanks to an ongoing initiative for surveillance of wild birds. Over 45,000 samples were collected during the monitoring period. The sample mallard duck was the first positive located. Avian influenza affects chickens, pheasants, turkeys, domestic ducks, quail, guinea fowl, and geese. It is carried by various free-flying water-bound fowl.
The USDA urges anyone to review company’s biosecurity actions that guarantee healthy birds. The problem with the virus is that people can have the sickness, without appearing sick. All individuals are cautioned to avoid any direct contact with domestic or wild birds without the use of gloves. If there is any direct contact, hands should be immediately and thoroughly washed with soap and water. They also should immediately change all clothing post-interaction.
People are also encouraged to report any sickness or death of animals to the USDA. They have a toll-free number available for reporting. It is 866-536-7593. If any farms have confirmed cases of the virus, neighboring flocks will have to be euthanized to stop the spread of the virus any further.
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