Clinton And Trump Supporters Come To A Consensus On Background Checks For Guns
U.S. Marion Schneider
When it comes to the issue of gun control and the Second Amendment, Republicans and Democrats are divided and only agree on a few safety measures like background checks. A majority of voters (83%) are in favor of compulsory background checks for private sales of guns and at gun shows. This is according to the data released on Friday by Pew Research Center.
From Clinton’s supporters, 90 percent are in support of background checks and 75 percent of Trump supporters are also in agreement. This is not really surprising to the Pew Researchers because expanding background checks have always registered massive support for many years.
There was also a consensus that people with mental illness or those on the federal no-fly and other watch lists should not be allowed to purchase guns. The report revealed that 82 percent of Donald Trump’s and 83 percent of Clinton’s would-be voters who participated in a survey earlier in the month approved of prohibiting sales of guns to individuals who are mentally ill. Individuals on the no-fly list, as well as any possible terrorist, should not be allowed to purchase guns either, in line with the opinion of 80 percent of Clinton’s supporters and 72 percent of Trump’s supporters.
The proposals to place a ban on assault weapons or all high-capacity ammunition clips is common among Clinton’s backers, but was opposed by most of Trump’s supporters. 74 percent of Clinton’s supporters agree on banning assault weapons, and 75 percent support banning high-capacity magazines, but only 34 percent of Donald Trump’s supporters back each of the above proposals.
On the question of overall priorities, individuals exhibited the most visible difference of opinion observed since the 2000 election. Pew asked if it is more important to place a check on gun ownership or conserve gun rights. 9 out of 10 Trump would-be voters said it is more vital to protect gun rights than control gun ownership. Only 9 percent favored ownership control over rights protection. Among Clinton’s supporters, on the other hand, 79 percent said controlling gun ownership is more vital, and just 19 percent were in support of protecting gun rights.
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