What Causes Yellow Teeth and How Can We Prevent It
Medical Nilgun Salim
Teeth yellowing is the most frequent problem when it comes to our oral health.
In most cases, teeth could become completely yellow or affect just certain areas.
The worst part is that spots are not always yellowish. Sometimes, they turn out brown or even gray.
Although, the phenomenon is normal from a certain age, is best for patients to discover the exact causes of the process.
“We live in a period that patients require a nice looking cogging, instead of a healthy one. It’s normal, considering that smile is our business card”, revealed Romanian surgeon dentist Razvan Boberis.
Unfortunately, teeth yellowing has various causes.
Sometimes, it can be generated by the inner structure of your teeth or some weird reactions to drugs.
When it comes to extrinsic stains, they are mostly generated by smoking, coffee abuse or colorful foods such as fruits and vegetables.
That’s why most patients jump on board for a teeth whitening procedure.
The procedure requires various sessions and in order to become pleased by the results, you must avoid colored drinks and foods.
The dentist will apply either a protective gel to your gums or a rubber shield to protect your gums. Bleach is then applied to the teeth. A special light or laser might be used to enhance the action of the whitening agent.
In addition, to maintain your pearly white smile you must avoid tea, coffee, cigarettes and use a toothpaste with bicarbonate.
An adequate procedure lasts for more than a year and the most important part is how you take care of your cogging.
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