The Attack in Tunisia Claimed by Al-Qaida
World News Rudolph Rodriquez^F763A6A53BCB16850321E84FA447EB1E4AF5E1F7AF5A4393E6^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg
A group affiliated with the terrorist organization Al-Qaida in the Islamic state of Maghreb has claimed responsibility for an attack on Monday in Tunisia, which killed three soldiers.
“I attacked two armored vehicles in a mission under Mount Sammama “, sent the Phalange Okba Ibn Nafa group affiliated with the terrorist organization Al-Qaida in the Islamic state of Maghreb.
Three Tunisian soldiers were killed on Monday in a mine explosion during an operation in Sammama region in western Tunisia, an area where Islamist terrorist groups are active.
“Three soldiers became martyrs in the explosion of a mine,” said an official of the army quoted by public broadcaster Wataniya. At least six other soldiers were injured in the incident on Monday in the Duar Ben Njeh located in the Sammama region.
Al-Qaida is a terrorist organization founded in August 1988 and late in 1989, supporting Islamic extremist activities in the world. Founder, leader and main financier of it was Osama bin Laden, a Saudi-born millionaire. It was founded in 1988 in order to extend the resistance movement against Soviet forces in Afghanistan in a pan-Islamic movement.
It believes that Al-Qaeda is responsible for the attacks of 11 September 2001 in New York, when two planes crushed into the twin towers, killing hundreds of people, but the organization has claimed responsibility for bombings of 11 March 2004 in Madrid as well.
Although Osama Bin Laden is no longer alive, the terrorist organization is still alive and is claiming more and more attacks each day.
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