iPad Mini 5 Could Likely Debut Alongside iPhone 7 - Latest Rumor
Hi-Tech Silvia Meyer
While all may seem to be already set for the much-awaited debut of the iPhone 7 this September, some Apple fans are optimistic that it may not likely be the only Apple product appearing in New York. Alongside iPhone 7, there are rumors that the MacBook Pro 2016 may also make a debut too, however, there seems to be another product making its way right up to the surface – the iPad Mini 5.
Although folks can hardly be blamed for resorting to wishful thinking, no factual leaks have actually been revealed as most of the tales seem to be coming from speculations. Since, the iPad Mini 4, Apple had barely unveiled a possible successor.
As touching the name, it may not even be referred to as an iPad Mini 5. While a lot of this is linked up with the iPad Pro, there could likely be a name change in the nearest future. Many are already calling it a possible iPad Mini Pro which could be easily guessed by anyone.
The release of an iPad Mini Pro or iPad Mini 5 in the coming weeks may seem very unlikely to happen as Apple currently seems to be focused on making the launch solely on the latest flagship that needs all the boost it can possibly get – iPhone 7.
Even before the end of 2016, there is still enough time for the launch of the iPad Mini 5, if September isn’t going to be possible. Its release could possibly happen alongside with the MacBook Pro 2016 but that’s if Apple does not out it together with the iPhone 7.
Thought it would be best to hold off for now, however, the name change could still make sense. Technically, the state of the iPad Mini 5 can be said to be floating at the moment until an official statement is released from its makers – Apple.
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