Jerry Rice’s Intervention in the Colin Kaepernick Scandal
Sports Nilgun Salim
Colin’s refusal to stand for the national anthem before the game represented a sign of protest against racial injustice and the abuse of authority regarding the Black Lives Matters movement.
Although most professional league athletes showed their restrainment when it came to the minority issue, Kaepernick chose to sit down during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” on Friday.
The quarterback’s gesture pissed off even former American footballer Jerry Rice, who attended the game and witnessed the scene.
“All lives matter. So much going on in this world today. Can we all just get along! Colin, I respect your stance but don’t disrespect the Flag.” tweeted Rice.
Although, Rice thought everyone will give him the benefit of a doubt he managed to generate the biggest Twitter feud.
“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” stated Kaepernick after the game.
The opinions are mixed regarding Colin’s gesture. Some people think that he made the best choice by not standing during the National Anthem, while others said that he managed to jeopardize his entire career.
We are not sure what the consequences will be for the quarterback, but we certainly agree that Jerry Rice’s intervention was absolutely unnecessary.
I guess we are going to find out this weekend when the team announces the final cuts.
The American biracial football player was adopted by white parents.
The 28-year-old believes that everyone has the right to tell their opinion in a country where black men are frequently shot by abusive police officers.
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