Being hungry affects your mood
Science Iulia Postelnicu
A phenomenon called “hangry” does exist. Being hungry can seriously affect your mood. Your relations and the way you socialize can be seriously affected.
It can also affect your work.
If the level of glucose in the blood decreases, our concentration can be reduced, while our mood become way more irritable. That will not only disturb you, but the ones around.
Aggressiveness is linked to it. Hormones that lead to stress, like adrenaline, will be released much faster.
A study was ran to see how hungriness really affects. Married couples participated. They were asked to pin voodoo dolls when they were angry at the other. Another test consisted in them blasting a high noise at the other once he won.
As the time passed, their levels of blood glucose were measured.
The ones that had a lower level of sugar put more pins in the doll and, at the end, they screamed higher.
Another study on the same matter was ran before. Judges are believed to be influenced by being hungry. As the lunch time comes, they are likely to be harsher and deny parole. This can also be caused by tiredness.
Hungriness can seriously affect our disposition and the way you perform tasks. People should be more careful when it comes to this and make sure they eat constantly. Breakfast should be the first one that shouldn’t be skipped.
“Hangry” is a real phenomenon, that really affects our lives. Our work lives and the relations we have with others could be disturbed.
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