Dark humor is a sign of intelligence
Science Iulia Postelnicu
According to scientists, dark humor is a sign of intelligence. A joke such as this needs a complex way of processing the information.
But this isn’t all, the ones that understand this type of humor are also linked to a less aggressive behavior, while their mood is always better.
The Medical University of Vienna ran the study. According to the team, they came to the conclusion that “cognitive as well as emotional aspects” are required in processing humor.
Black humor, on the other hand, is even more complex, therefore the processing is also more complex.
In the test, they used twelve dark humor cartoons. 156 persons, aged around 30, were involved.
The ones involved had to say if they found them tasteless or vulgar. They also needed to say if they liked it or if it was somehow new.
But the humor wasn’t the only one tested, but their personal qualities. This could have been influenced by their character. Starting from the vocabular, to the background, education and how easy their mood can be disturbed, all were taken into account.
Age nor sex represented a factor.
At the end, the researchers came up with a conclusion and found out that there were three groups of people.
Happiness is also related to humor. The ones that are moody, won’t, most likely like the joke, especially a dark one. Not only that a good mood will make the person understand the humor, but also get involved and appreciate it.
The level of aggressiveness also affect the way you comprehend such a joke.
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