The social media behavior can be highly influenced by the DNA
Science Adina Camarasu
The hours you are spending daily on social media networks, playing online games or scrolling on different online media platforms might depend on one’s genes.
The British scientists have come up with this incredible study and have published it in a report quoted by
There are some significant differences on how people are using the online environment.
So, researchers have been trying to figure out why is this happening.
The study was conducted by testing a group of twins. The results indicated that a part of the answer lies in our DNA.
Consequently, the British scientists have analyzed the online media content used by over 8,000 identical and differing twins. All the individuals are aged 16 years.
The identical twins have a common DNA in a percentage of 100%, while the slightly different ones only have 50% of their DNA in common.
Researchers concluded that the genes are responsible for more than one-third of the differences on how each person is using the online educational content, different forms of games or digital entertainment.
The results are contradicting all the popular theories and studies upon media effects. Usually, researchers have considered media as an external entity with some sort of influence upon every single person – whether it’s positive or negative.
Managing to identify the fact that the differences are written in our DNA is influencing the way in which the individuals interact with the media.
So, the individual is not 100% in charge, but he is conducted by an unconscious need.
However, unlimited access to media devices has played a bigger part than the genetic factor.
Even though the study has identified a strong bond between human genes and the online activity, scientists weren’t able to establish a relationship of causality between the two.
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