Titanium material creates spheres of blood and plasma
Science Iulia Postelnicu
A team of scientists and engineers from the Colorado state University developed a super material that can recreate water, plasma and even blood.
It is hard to place a foreign object into the human body and get positive results. Blood clots or just rejections are often occurring.
Researchers worked hard to create a material that won’t create such problems.
The ones from the university in Colorado developed a treatment with a “superhemophobic” property.
After mixing titanium with a chemical, they obtained a product that, when placed into any kind of liquid, mingles with it and takes its properties.
The “Advanced Healthcare Materials” published the finding.
The material is so perfect, that if is placed in the body, it wouldn’t be recognized as a foreign substance.
Arun Kota was involved in the development of the material. “We are taking a material that blood hates to come in contact with, in order to make it compatible with blood,” declared Kota.
If the blood doesn’t recognize the material, then the clots are successfully avoided.
Currently, the material is still going through tests and still is in the faze of development.
The university also tries to create other similar materials, that can recreate others.
If it works, it would be a breakthrough in the medicine field and not only.
As other materials already available, like blood thinners, do not work all the time, this could save many.
Many medical complications can be avoided. Medical implants that are not received well can damage the immune system.
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