Unpleasant memories and traumas to be removed by using the laser technology
Science Adina Camarasu
Unpleasant memories or even childhood traumas may be erased from the memory by using a laser technology.
This step forward might be offering a chance to those suffering from PTSD and not only.
A researchers’ team, originally from Japan, has found a way to manipulate the neurons in mice’s brains.
So, they managed to remove those specific elements that trigger the bad memories.
Fortunately, the method can be used to treat the post-traumatic stress syndrome.
The scientists from Toyama University discovered that it is possible to link two distinct memories and then disconnect them.
In order to achieve that, they induced mice a profound state of fear.
Initially, the rodents were taught to associate the feeling of pain with a specific flavor and, after that, a sound with an electric shock.
So, the two memories were linked by associating taste with sound, which triggered the mice to freeze because of their fear of the electric shock.
The researchers used a technique called optogenetics. It relies on the light to activate specific neurons during the memory block.
That was how they managed to disconnect the two bad memories from each other and to erase the link.
However, the researchers were able to disable the unhappy memories without fully erasing them.
It is believed that a full removal of the trauma could harm the patients suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder.
In general, the method could be used to decouple any common memory that is leading to a painful one, without affecting the individual.
To conclude, scientists think that all our emotional memories are linked to the amygdala of our brains, but the mechanisms that are in control of our memories are still shrouded in mystery.
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