These celebrities wore an outfit more than one time - an inspired choice or not?
Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim
The unwritten code of fashion
An unwritten code regarding public appearances says it’s not exactly ‘cool’ to show up wearing an old outfit.
This is ‘rule’ respected with rugosity by most A-listers because they are afraid by fashion critics.
Kim Kardashian’s ‘secret’ weapon
The celebrity that one talks about is Kim Kardashian.
Her style evolved through the years from sassy Hollywood socialite, who loved Louis Vuitton sparkly handbags and deep cleavages to Kanye West’s favorite muse.
Now, Mrs. West ditched the raunchy ‘Paris Hilton’ like the style and prefers low-key neutral colors for her everyday outfits.
However, the sexiness is still there.
Since her dramatic weight loss, Kim loves to show off her killer curves by wearing the most form fitting dresses and skirts.
And, because she is the most fashion-aware star, she also installed a ‘special’ app on her iPhone meant to mark every single worn outfit.
In this way, Kim keeps track on her worn clothing items in order to not repeat them.
Another celebrity appreciated for her fashion choices and mostly for the fact that she recycles her clothes is the Duchess of Cambridge.
Kate Middleton is the most stylish royalty. She is always flawless and makes the most flattering combos.
However, our Duchess is very judicious with her money and doesn’t like to spend thousands of pounds on clothes.
Here, we gathered an entire gallery with celebrities who recycled their outfits. Let’s see if they made a wise choice or they totally blew it!
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