These two very famous actors look like they just got married in secret
Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim
They are two of the most popular and talented actors of the moment and they also form one of Hollywood’s golden couples.
Everyone was wondering when these two will get married because they make such a good match.
After numerous failed relationships with models and actresses, Michael Fassbender found his better half in Alicia Vikander, the Oscar winning actress who is now portraying the role of Lara Croft.
Both Michael and Alicia are super reserved when it comes to spilling details about their relationship although they’ve been for almost three years now.
However, judging by these pictures taken a few days ago in Ibiza, Alicia and Michael look like they’ve been gathering a large group of close friends and relatives to celebrate.
Ok, but… to celebrate what?
The pair was also sporting matching wedding bands, so it’s pretty possible the pair was actually celebrating their secret wedding, far away from the curious eyes.
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