Is EU trying to ban the access of teens under the age of 16 to social media?
Hi-Tech Nilgun Salim
The EU has a new law related to digital environment
As important or boring as it may sound for some, most parents are concerned when it comes to the age limit because they are worried for their teenage kids, who spent more time in the virtual environment than in the real one.
In December 2015, the Internet has picked up upon the EU due to this bill that also includes the age ban for teenagers who are forced to ask for their parent’s consent.
It has been nearly two years and the world has almost forgotten about this legislative project, set to come into force in May 2018.
On December 22, 2015, the European Commission published a short article regarding the myths on this bill.
The European Commission said they don’t want to forbid people under the age of 16 to access the social platforms.
The conclusion was this: “Thus, a compromise consensus was reached on 15 December 2015 – countries that do not foresee [a minimum age], will apply a limit of 16 years. Countries with national laws may descend the threshold, but not below 13 years. ”
In the UK, for example, the 13-year limit was already implemented. Other countries will either have to comply with EU law or set their own threshold between 13 and 16 years.
In an article published in May 2017 (one year before the law came into force), the EC dealt with this child’s limit more widely.
“When it comes to information society services directly offered to a child, the Regulation provides for the need for an [parental] agreement to process the data [which the child gives them on that service – Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, others]. The age limit remains for Member States to be defined between 13 and 16 years.”
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