Harvey Weinstein’s personal assistant decided to confess everything about Harvey Weinstein’s abuses
Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim
Zelda Perkins was Harvey Weinstein’s personal assistant and she claims the producer paid her of no less than £125.000 in order to stay silent about the producer’s sexual abuses.
The woman revealed that she even signed a confidentiality agreement after she pressed charges in 1998.
The woman said that Weinstein asked her to massage him and then he forced her to have sex.
However, Zelda who was sexually harassed for years said that she was too ashamed to reveal everything.
Of course, Weinstein denied any accusation and said everything happened because she wanted.
The former assistant said she decided to go public after a colleague told her that she was also sexually abused by the producer.
Both women received £250.000 in compensation, which they shared equally and signed a confidentiality agreement that forbids them to talk about the entire thing.
But Perkins has decided to break the silence and violate the agreement, although she might risk returning the money.
Despite this, she told the Financial Times:
“I want to publicly break my confidentiality agreement.
“Someone has to start talking about these abuses, otherwise they will continue, and this is not possible.”
Perkins is one of the many women Weinsten has sexually abused and who has decided to speak publicly about the producer’s behavior.
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