The first LGBT superhero from Marvel will make her debut in Thor: Ragnarök
Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim
The LGBTQ + community has a new representative and she is from the “superhero world”
We are talking about the Northern goddess Valkyrie, the beauty created by Odin to bring in Valhalla’s the souls of the fallen heroes.
We will have the chance to see Valkyrie for the first time in Thor: Ragnarök.
It’s a historic moment for the comic-based movie industry because Valkyrie is also the first bisexual superhero.
The news has been confirmed by actress Tessa Thompson, who portrays the role of the northern goddess Via Twitter:
“She is bisexual. And, yes, she cares very little about the men’s opinions. What a joy to play this role!”, wrote the actress.
Valkyrie is the first LGBT character from the Marvel Universe, but not also from the history of comics.
In 2015, Iceman (Bobby Drake) from the X-Men series revealed that he is gay.
Batwoman was also the subject of a twisted plot.
After being Batman’s “girlfriend” for about 50 years, Batwoman was re-invented in 2006 as a lesbian.
Aqualad, Aquaman’s apprentice, is also a gay young man.
Chris Hemsworth returns to the God of Thunder role, and the cast is complemented by names like Tom Hiddleston, Cate Blanchett, Idris Elba, Jeff Goldblum, Karl Urban, Mark Ruffalo, Anthony Hopkins, and Benedict Cumberbatch.
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