Who is Sebastian Kurz, the world’s youngest political leader
World News Nilgun Salim
The Austrians voted on Sunday for the country’s new parliament
According to exit polls, the People’s Party was described by the Austrian people as the most trust-worthy, which means the next Australian chancellor will be a 31-year-old politician.
Sebastian Kurz is currently Austria’s Foreign Minister and he will probably win the elections thanks to his anti-immigrants speech and the promises of cutting the social aid for foreigners.
At the age of just 31, Kurz led his party, affiliated to the largest European political family (the European People’s Party) to victory, a stepping stone that marks the end of a social-democratic leadership in Austria, turning a far-right alliance into the first political force of the country.
“Sebastian Kurz is about to become the youngest leader in the world”, headlines Euronews about the current head of the Austrian diplomacy, a position assumed four years ago at the age of 27, becoming the youngest owner of a government portfolio from the country’s post-war history.
Born in Vienna on Aug. 27, 1986, and raised in Vienna’s Meidling Worker’s Quarter, the son of a professor and engineer, Sebastian Kurz has been involved in politics since adolescence.
At the age of 16 he wanted to join OVP at the age of 16, but he was rejected, saying he must first focus on his studies.
In 2010, he dropped out from law school at the University of Vienna in order to focus on politics after becoming president of the Vienna OVP’s youth organization in Vienna.
According to his general presentation on the Austrian Parliament website, Kurz’s political career so far sums up the post of Secretary of State in the Ministry of the Interior (2011-2013), deputy in the National Council, the Lower House of Parliament in Vienna (2013) and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (2013-present).
Since 2014, Kurz has also co-chaired the meeting of foreign ministers in the PPE (European People’s Party).
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