Never seen before pictures of Marilyn Monroe skinny dipping will be put to auction
Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim
12 photos of the late sex-symbol, made during a birthday party where the world’s most famous blonde enjoyed a skinny dipping in the pool, will be auctioned on 11th October.
The incredible shots with Marilyn Monroe naked in the pool, will be put for sale in New York by a charity auction house.
The candid photos were captured during one of Marilyn’s birthday parties, where the star surprised her guests by coming out of a giant cake and shortly after jumping in her pool.
According to the press, the organizers expect to obtain no less than $35.000 for all 12.
Marilyn Monroe was 1.66 meters tall and weighed between 50 and 63 kilograms, according to the Daily Mail.
She was considered one of the most beautiful women in the world and has one of Hollywood’s most famous symbols of natural beauty, sex appeal and glory.
Marilyn Monroe’s life has sparked waves of controversy, while her death has raised countless questions, giving birth to hundreds of hypotheses.
The star died due to an overdose of sleeping pills, at the age of 36, in 1962.
The Playboy Magazine was launched with the famous blonde on its cover in December 1953.
Hugh Hefner, the founder of the Playboy empire, swore that he will do everything in his hands to rest in the same sanctuary as Marilyn Monroe, although he never had the chance to meet her.
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