8 things smart people would NOT do
Science Jeanette Walsh
Intelligence often varies from one human being to another, but it’s highly associated with the education received in schools.
Experts believe that this value is directly proportional with the experience and ability of an individual to adapt to the realities of life on the go.
‘In literature, what we call IQ is nothing more than reporting the mental age of an individual to his biological age, all multiplied by 100. The mental age of a child, for example, can not keep pace with his biological age, if the child does not implement what he is learning.
Researchers admit that intelligent people would never do the following things:
Do not let past mistakes interfere with the present. Intelligent people know that success in life is not possible without making mistakes. However, they do not allow themselves to be affected by past mistakes, they simply learn from them and evolve.
Do not focus on the negative sides. If you only have negative thoughts in your mind, your life will be equally negative. Intelligent people know that life is much better when you learn to use your skills to dream, to create, to build, to be surprised and, of course, to love.
Do not run away from problems. Smart people confront with the problem and seek the best methods to solve it. When you fall, you rise back up and move on.
Do not care what others think. Intelligent people do not let the negative opinions of other people to stop them from living a happy life, full of success and joy.
Do not lose time. Intelligent people develop their productive habits that help them work faster and better. They also know that they cannot work all the time, the brain often needs a good rest.
Do not focus on what you cannot control. Every day we face the things we cannot control: traffic, uneducated people, etc. Smart people stay calm in these situations because they know that negative emotions will do only harm.
They are not arrogant. You will never hear them boosting with their intelligence.
Do not forget to thank. Intelligent people know that the world does not revolve around them. They believe in the power of goodness and they know that the good always comes back.
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