Taxi drivers declared war to Uber!
World News Rudolph Rodriquez
The serious competition Uber makes to usual taxi companies determined the taxi drivers to make a radical decision that will mainly affect the clients.
Taxi drivers who have contracts with the airports will retire next week, if the advertisements that encourage travelers to use Uber taxis are not eliminated.
Taxi drivers argue that the amount they are obliged to pay to the airports for the right to operate in the area is about € 220,000 per year.
Moreover, the airport has allowed the placement of billboards, so travelers who need transportation understand that Uber is an accredited company and can make transfers from the airport to any destination.
Perhaps they forgot the case of the Japanese girl who was brutally murdered a few years ago by an illegal taxi driver, who kidnapped her.
Allowing Uber airport transfers could encourage taxi piracy, with all the consequences this activity involves: tax fraud, undermining the national economy, and even criminal assaults, kidnapping and robbery.
Recently, Uber service representatives said they are open to cooperate with authorities in for developing digital ways to simplify the declaration of income for people who are self-employed and they claim that the service is 100% digital and fully taxed.
However, to facilitate declaring earnings, Uber provides a detailed income report, generated by the Uber platform.
It has been reported that an Uber taxi driver in New York, who works full time, earns on average $ 90,000 per year.
Drivers have responded and confessed to Business Insider they do not win so much. Their earnings are somewhere between $10 000 – $41 000 per year.
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