Reheated foods that become poison
Science Jeanette Walsh
We are living in the era of speed, so even eating has turned into an extreme sport.
The lack of time often forces us to opt for an easy way to prepare our food, so we got used to reheat them regularly.
Experts warn us, however, that not all foods should be reheated because they lose their nutritional values or can even become a real poison for the body.
Here are five of the most harmful products after reheating:
- Beets
The nitrate content is beneficial for our body, but never warm beet two or more times if you want to maintain your health.
- Potatoes
Potato starch content is beneficial to our health, but when heated a few times, it loses its nutritional and medicinal properties and turns into poison that can damage the body.
- Eggs
Exposing eggs to high temperatures can have deadly effects. Eating eggs after boiling is beneficial, but it is very harmful if you heat them the next day.
- Chicken
Chicken is tasty, but you must eat it immediately after preparation. Heating the meat the next day changes the structure of proteins, which leads to digestion problems. The chicken contains more proteins than red meat and it’s highly recommended to consume it cold.
- Mushrooms
Repeatedly exposed to heat, lipids, phosphatides and essential oils contained in mushrooms, can turn themselves into a real poison for the intestines. Eat them immediately after preparation in order to obtain the maximum benefits. If you want to eat them later, you should never reheat them.
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