4 Celebrities Who Injected Lip Fillers and They Looked Better Before
Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim
Most people believe sensuous and fleshy lips are those given by nature just like in the case of Angelina Jolie and we all agree that any attempt to amplify Angelina’s lips with fillers will certainly represent an aesthetic failure.
However, many celebrities, during their attempt to look like the ‘Mr. & Mrs. Smith’ star by using these fillers ended up looking like literal ducks.
Despite the fact this subject is not a pleasant one for them this is the reality. Their faces looked so much better when they were 100% natural, even if some of them were not very endowed by Mother Nature.
1.Ellie Goulding – the British singer is the newest member of the ‘duckling club’. She displayed her pout at the Grammy Awards Gala from this year.
2.Lisa Rinna – Lissa can be labeled as a literal ‘guru’ of plastic surgeries, especially when it comes to lips. The actress started to inject fillers since she was 24 years old.
3.Lindsay Lohan – She wanted a more voluptuous pout but she ended up looking like a ‘plumped up zombie bride’.
4.Khloe Kardashian – She was the only 100% natural Kardashian sister and people were truly admiring her for that. Although she will never be able to surpass her little sister Kylie when it comes to lip fillers, Khloe decided to step into this ‘plastic’ world.
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