This is the most popular Christmas tree decoration
U.S. Nilgun Salim
The most popular Christmas tree decoration these days is the famous red cap from Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.
The ornament is available on Amazon and became the symbol of the businessman after the promoted the message ‘Make America Great Again’ during his controversial speeches.
‘This decoration will make any Christmas tree to stand out.’ wrote the seller in the description of the product.
The product generated hundreds of jokes and ironic reviews on the website of the online retailer.
The managers of the website were also convinced that the ‘Trump’ decoration was becoming increasingly popular, but not in a positive way.
2.773 negative reviews were posted by users and the average of the product went from 5 stars to 1.5 stars in just days.
Most reviews are hinting at Donald Trump winning the presidential election with the help of the Electoral College, despite the fact he lost the popular vote with more than 1.5 million votes.
‘He told the Virgin Mary that women sucks, he told Joseph to return from where he came and he built a wall around the manger’ wrote one of the users, while another review complains that ‘the angel on top of the tree hired a lawyer’, after purchasing the ornament.
Another comment sounded like this: ‘Every autumn my family is choosing a new ornament for our tree for the holidays. This year I had to choose between this and another that was less flashy, loud and nicer overall. The family meeting decided that we are stuck with this ornament.’
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