Israel will order another 17 invisible aircrafts
World News Rudolph Rodriquez
Israel will order another 17 US F-35 stealth aircraft, totaling a number of 50 such devices, that will soon equip the Jewish state in the next few years, the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, announced on Sunday, according to AFP.
The security department gave its green light for this new order.
Israel will receive the first F-35 planes next month. According to the national radio station, the purchase of these devices will be financed by the US military, which was increased in September to $ 38 billion for the period 2019-2028.
By launching this command, the government intends to act in order to ‘strengthen Israel’s security and to ensure its existence in the coming decades’, said Benjamin Netanyahu.
‘Israel can defend itself with its own forces against all enemies at any distance they would be’, added the Prime Minister.
Israeli leaders have motivated the purchase of F-35 by the threat that Iran represents.
F-35 are designed to fly without being detected by air defense systems available to the Islamic Republic, especially by S-300 missiles, which have been delivered recently by Russia to protect the Iranian nuclear field at Fordow , announced the state television in Tehran in August.
Iran is considered by Israel its main enemy. The agreement settled between Tehran and other six major powers of the world, upon the nuclear Iranian program was signed in July 2015. The program proposed lifting international sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic, which denies it wants to buy nuclear weapons.
Benjamin Netanyahu denounced the agreement which he constantly called a ‘historical error’.
Israel is regarded as the only nuclear power in the Middle East, but the Hebrew State has maintained ambiguity on this issue, refusing to confirm whether it has an atomic arsenal or not.
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