World News Rudolph Rodriquez
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is marked on November 25 each year and was established by UN General Assembly Resolution 54/134 of 17 December 1999.
On this occasion, the United Nations invited governments, international organizations and NGOs to organize activities designed to draw public’s attention to these issues, says the UN official website.
Several NGOs held a rally in Union Square to raise awareness regarding violence against women. Also, some of the protesters wore T-shirts with messages that promoted stopping violence against women.
Violence against women and girls is recognized as one of the most pressing current issues. In every corner of the world, the damaging effect that violence has on women hinders progress in many areas, representing another hurdle in eradicating poverty, combating HIV, and also maintaining peace and security in the world.
The international community and civil society have concluded that there are no acceptable circumstances for violence against women and girls. When it occurs, this act is a serious violation of human rights, criminal and unacceptable.
Women’s rights activists mark the Day of women against violence since 1981. This date commemorates the assassination in 1961 of the three Mirabal sisters from the Dominican Republic.
In 1979, it was adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the main international instrument of the rights of women and girls.
In 2016, the UNiTE campaign theme is ‘Orange the World: raise funds to end violence against women and girls’. One of the biggest challenges for prevention and ending violence against women and girls worldwide is the substantial shortage of funding.
1 in 10 women in the European Union reported experiences of harassment through communication networks from the age of 15 years (including receiving unwanted offensive e-mails or SMS messages or even sexually explicit flirts, that were offensive and inappropriate. The highest risk is among young women between 18 and 29 years.
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