One in Seven Europeans are not aware of the fact they are carrying the HIV virus
Medical Nilgun Salim
One in seven Europeans carrying the HIV virus is not aware of his condition. The World Health Organization (WHO) is concerned about the record numbers in the contamination sector registered only in 2015, in Europe due to increased incidence of the virus in Russia.
‘HIV / AIDS remains a serious health problem in Europe (…) ECDC estimated that a person carrying HIV in seven, doesn’t know this is particularly worrying’, said European Commissioner for Health, Vytenis Andriukaitis, quoted in a press release.
The proportion of one in seven is related to the 28 EU countries including Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
‘Those who do not know they are infected cannot get treatment meant to save lives and may continue to transmit the virus to others’, said the Commissioner.
Almost half of the cases (47%) from these countries are diagnosed at a late stage of contamination. According to the center, most times, the virus is detected four years after the contamination.
In the 31 surveyed countries, sexual relations between men and women represents the first way of transmission (42%) and also, the most common one.
On the European continent a pooled analysis of WHO based on data from 53 countries, shows that 2015 represents a new record of contamination: 153.407 compared to 142.000 from the previous year.
Regarding the new cases detected in the central region 5297 new cases we’re identified, which means a contamination rate of 2.8 per 100.000 inhabitants.
Most likely to be infected with HIV in the Central region were those aged between 30 and 39 years (33% of cases) and those between 15-24 (15%).
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