Salad ingredients you should avoid if you want to lose weight
Medical Celia Hoffman
Salads are highly recommended by all doctors, both in nutritional diets and in normal ones. Most frequently, however, we prefer to add in our salads a few ingredients, that we believe would fill us or would give extra flavors such as cheese, bacon or croutons.
These additional ingredients should be avoided, as experts say because it transforms our salad from a healthy food into a calorie-full one.
Here are the ingredients you should avoid if you are on a diet!
- Bacon – yes, it tastes good, but it can also bring your salad 400 extra calories and almost 30 grams of fat. And it could get worse because bacon is not always made of real meat. The process is based on trans fats, salt and, believe it or not, sugar! We know you love to find pieces of crispy bacon among lettuce leaves, but it would be a good idea to give it up if you care about your weight. Replace the bacon with pepper or radish.
- Croutons – it’s like eating salad with bread. Give them up. It bring you many extra calories, grams of fat, but also some unhealthy because they often are fried to taste better.
- Fried foods – chicken, fish or shrimp. Although these ingredients are normally healthy, when they are fried they turn into caloric bombs, full of fat and calories. It’s preferable to add in your salad only boiled or grilled meat.
- Creamy dressings – avoid them! You can spoil a good salad and your efforts to maintain your weight. You should better eat your salad with vinaigrette or yogurt sauce with a lemon juice. These are healthier options with fewer calories.
- Cheese – not necessarily a bad choice, but you must be careful what cheese and quantity you choose to pour in your salad. Cheddar, for example, has a high content of calcium and protein, but it comes with many saturated fats.
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