Who will attend Fidel Castro’s funeral
World News Nilgun Salim
Despite the fact, he was a legendary figure, the absence of several heads of state at his funerals illustrates the discomfort of some governments regarding the legacy of the former Cuban President. Nearly 20 state leaders confirmed their attendance at the ceremony set to take place on Tuesday in Havana.
The funerals were scheduled at 19.00 (00.00 GMT) in the Revolution Square, in downtown Cuba. The Sunday ceremony organized in Santiago, in the eastern part of the country will be attended by a smaller group of guests.
Among the absentees is also the American President Barack Obama, who approximated the historic approach between US and Cuba. The Canadian Premier Justin Trudeau, criticized for paying homage to Castro, French President Francois Hollande, his personal envoy Ségolène Royal, and president of the Senate Jean-Pierre Bel will not be able to travel in Havana.
Also, Theresa May will not make the trip to Havana. Downing Street announced without specifying who will attend that socialist president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, will be represented by one of her ministers. China and Iran, friendly countries of Cuba, will be represented by their VP’s.
Also, according to Reuters, Russian President is not planning to travel to Cuba for the funerals of Fidel Castro, indicated on Monday the spokesman of Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov, adding that the delegation of Moscow will be led by Vyacheslav Volodin, a close ally of Putin and chairman of the State Duma.
Among other heads of state who will attend the ceremony in Havana, AFP reminds the ex-German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, who met Fidel Castro five times and will replace Chancellor Angela Merkel, as announced by the government in Berlin. The former king of Spain, Juan Carlos will represent his son, king Philip VI.
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