London: the double-deckers, powered by a coffee-based biofuel?

Science Nilgun Salim

London’s famous double-decker buses will soon be powered by a special fuel that will be partly obtained from recycled coffee grounds.

The innovative technique has the main purpose to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and the atmospheric pollution, informs

The new type of fuel will be delivered through a demonstration program designed by Bio-Bean, a London-based start-up, in collaboration with the Shell Group.

According to the British paper, the organic fuel will be produced in a quantity of 6,000 liters per year.

“It has a high oil content, 20% of the oil comes from the coffee grounds, so it’s great that we can get biofuel from coffee”, said Arthur Kay, founder of Bio-bean.

As the pressure gets bigger for the public, who does not want to use food to get fuels, companies focus on biofuels resulting from waste, such as cooking oil already used and extracted from non-edible plants.

Certain plants, like corn and sugar cane, are turned into ethanol that can be burned in the engines of vehicles, and the market for these cars is already important in some areas of the United States and South America.

Bio-Bean has sealed partnerships with several thousand British coffee places, such as Costa Coffee and Caffe Nero, who will harvest coffee.

Annually, Britain produces 500.000 tons of coffee grounds, added Kay.

The parent company that owns Caffe Nero is the Italian Coffee group, whose headquarters are based in London.

The product obtained will be mixed with common diesel fuel and will represent 20% of the final fuel.

The biofuel will then be transported to a central London warehouse where it will feed the famous double-decker buses in the British capital.

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