Lord of the Rings, to become a TV series and the main rival of Game of Thrones?

Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim

Are you ready to go on an adventure with Frodo Baggins once a week?

After the controversial “Hobbit”, a movie that required a 300-page novel and an 8-hour trilogy, the franchise created by J.R.R. Tolkien seemed dead.

However, Amazon Studios is convinced the franchise can be revived and wants to resurrect the story of Frodo Baggins on the small screens.

Variety reveals that Warner Bros. and J.R.R. Tolkien is currently negotiating with Amazon Studios to reboot the “The Lord of the Rings” franchise, through an online TV series based on the original books.

The American magazine mentions that Amazon president Jeff Bezos is very involved in the discussions related to the funds they are willing to deposit.

This series would become the main opponent of Game of Thrones, the most prized “possession” of HBO, claims the source.

LotR and GoT are somehow similar and the confrontation between these two series in terms of the audience would be incredibly tight.

However, the production team has another tough task before they close the deal with Amazon: finding an actor who can successfully replace Sir Ian McKellen as the beloved Gandalf… or a young man with more curious and thirsty eyes than Elijah Wood’s, for Frodo’s role.

So far, these are the only spilled details about the new LotR project yet but we promise to let you know when something new comes up.

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