Why Kevin Spacey’s big reveal has nothing to do with the cancellation of House of Cards

Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim

A good PR team means the incredible ability to launch a story able to generate thousands of other similar articles, in their turn capable of sharing the same amount of success within days.

A good PR team was also the mastermind behind Kevin Spacey’s sexual abuse story and his big reveal.

Rapp talked to BuzzFeed and told them how Spacey tried to make a move on him, 30 years ago, when Anthony was only 14 years old.

Kevin Spacey came up with a press release in which he did not deny the accusations by motivating that he does not recall the incident.

After he “served” a poor attempt of apologizing, Spacey mentioned in the press statement that he is actually gay.

So, the center of the entire controversy becomes, overnight, Kevin Spacey’s sexual orientation (instead of talking about his behavior), but also how the House of Cards will not benefit from a new season.

CBS confirmed the end of the series with season 6

The company also revealed that the decision was taken months ago and has nothing to do with Spacey’s decision of coming clean about his sexual preferences.

Season 6 production began at the end of October, and we will probably see the last part of the show in 2018.

The creator of the series, Beau Willimon, who left the series after the fourth season, gave a statement claiming that Rapp’s story is “deeply disturbing”.

The movie producer took his frustration on Twitter:

“During the time I worked with Kevin Spacey on House of Cards I never witnessed any inappropriate behavior on set or off”.

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