5 “Juicy” Details About Fifty Shades Freed

Culture&Arts Nilgun Salim

In February, the premiere of “Fifty Shades Freed” will take place in the United States and the cast includes (obviously) Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan, Kim Basinger and singer Rita Ora.

Even though a small part of the script is known by the public, the trilogy has some exciting surprises for you.

We are not willing to spill all the beans, so we have decided to stop at five little exciting details.


  1. Anna becomes pregnant: when she goes to the hospital to visit her friend, Ray, Ana finds out that she is pregnant. The news is not exactly a pleasant surprise for Christian, who believes Anna wanted this without consulting him.


  1. Anna’s stalker comes to light: after Anna and Christian return from their honeymoon in Europe, he leaves the city with business. Anna leaves town with her girl, Kate and when she arrives home, discovers that her former boss, Jack Hyde is trying to kidnap her.


Instead of taking Anna, Jack kidnaps Mia Gray and requires a $5 million redemption from Anna.


  1. Christian discovers a very dark secret from his past: Anna discovers during an argument with Jack that he and Christian were abandoned at the same foster home.


  1. Anna has a new female rival: Anna is forced to fight for Christian’s love with the architect the couple hired to redecorate their place.


  1. At the end, Anna and Christian are seen at the second anniversary of their son Theodore and she finds out that she is expecting a baby girl, whom the couple plans to name Phoebe.

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