Six things you"ve learned in school that are anything but true
Science Adina Camarasușcoală-1170x644.jpg
Over the time, phenomena and theories we have learned in school and were tricked into believing, turned out to be incorrect.
People used to believe in certain scientific theories, but thanks to the technological progress, we always have to do that with changes in several fields.
Here are some things that you have probably learned in school that are not true.
Pluto is a planet
Although we learned in school that Pluto is a planet, well it seems that Pluto is not a planet.
Given its small sizes, years after its discovery, astronomers started a debate about what makes a planet to be a planet.
So, they decided, based on size and location, that Pluto did not fit anymore in the definition, which is why it was classified as a dwarf planet.
Diamond is the toughest material
Starting 2009, some other materials appeared that are toughest than diamond – boron nitride Wurtz (a mineral consisting of zinc, iron and sulfur) and diamond hexagon (lonsdaleite).
Salem witches were burned alive
Well, they were not burned alive, but they were hanged. Quite a terrifying picture, we agree.
At that time, in England, witchcraft was a crime and was punishable by hanging those accused of undertaking such activities.
But, it did happen in some parts of Europe, where witches were accused of heresy (probably here began the confusion).
Israelite slaves built the pyramids in Egypt
Even movies such as “The Prince of Egypt” perpetuate the idea that slaves built the pyramids.
Although many believe that the Bible is the one responsible for the transmission of such information, it does not specifically mention this.
New archaeological evidence shows that the Egyptians built their pyramids themselves.
Workers were selected from poor families but were highly respected.
It is impossible to fold a piece of paper more than seven times
The current record reached 13 times.
Great Wall is the only building in the world that can be seen from space
Many man-made buildings can be seen from space, and the idea that the Great Wall is the only building large enough to be detected from space has never been true.
In 2003, the first Chinese astronaut rejected this myth. He argued that you cannot see the construction from outer space. But, over the years, there were some pictures that showed us that, under precise conditions (if there is snow on the structure) or with a powerful camera, you can glimpse the building.
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