Children with vegan mothers are likely to perform badly at school
Medical Iulia Postelnicu
According to a new study, children that have vegan mothers are more likely than other kids to perform bad at school or in situations that require mental abilities.
The reason why is because while they are in the womb, they don’t receive all the necessary vitamins and nutrients.
This research was ran in Norway and the team came to the conclusion that this can affect the children’s development.
Young infants were involved in this study. Researchers realized that Vitamin B12 or better said the lack of it, is what affects the children’s development. The ones that did not get enough of it in the womb did pretty badly on tests.
This vitamin is common in eggs and dairy and in meat.
Scientists realized that these kids were not able to solve puzzles, read letters or understand what other kids are feeling.
A deficiency of this vitamin can affect the development of the brain.
The kids that took part of this study are from Nepal. About five hundred of them were involved. Researchers collected data when they were babies and then returned at the age of five years to conduct several tests to establish their mental skills.
Not only that Vitamin B12 is really important, but D one as well. Zinc and iron are extremely important in the development of a child.
But by far, B12 is the most important one. A deficiency could even lead to anemia. The pregnancy can also be affected and can lead to premature births.
Such problems are usually encountered in low income countries, where mothers-to-be don’t eat as much meat as it should.
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