NASA will launch a laser into space that will deliver 100 times faster internet

Science Iulia Postelnicu

In case you were worrying your internet is going too slow, NASA has got you covered. The company is going to launch a laser into space that is going to offer us an internet that will perform one hundred time faster.

This powerful laser is going to transmit data between our planet and the International Space Station. The laser links will be transmitted at about one gigabit per second or at least, this is what NASA hopes for.

The Laser Communications Relay Demonstration is going to help the team from NASA to understand how the laser performs. They are going to launch  the device into space from Maryland.

This laser can work between two or five years. This will be extremely beneficial for scientists and astronauts, who will be able to communicate better.

The powerful device is set to be launched into space in 2019, at the beginning of the summer. In Hawaii and California will be installed two terminals that will receive all the information from space.

In 2021, the laser will return on earth. 

A member of NASA’s team believes that this is the first step in making space communication revolutionary. Laser will enable them to communicate both near our planet and deeper into space.

These systems are way better than anything similar from before, they are smaller and consume less and will offer a great support for the missions on the Moon or on Mars.

NASA will see how this system will resist in space and in different conditions, so they can add improvements.

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